Resilience Builds Character

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it – Henry Ford. Every person in every generation in every part of this planet deals with adversity at various times in their lives. This is an inescapable fact. Another inescapable fact is that people react […]

Belief Comes Before Performance

Belief and self-confidence are two important attributes of successful people. Self-belief is about trusting yourself to achieve the realistic and achievable goals that you set yourself. Judging yourself to be capable of success will increase your chances of success. Believe you can and you probably will achieve your goals, but you must stretch yourself and […]

Both Attitude and Character Define Our Behaviour

People can often be confused about the difference between attitude and character, and while they may impact each other they are really different and can often be confused. Both define us as persons and both determine how we are viewed by others, so it is important to understand what they are and how they differ […]

Are you exploiting your full potential?

For over three decades of senior leadership service in both the public and private sectors, I have observed how people perform in their careers and I have tried to isolate the characteristics that define successful, fulfilled, high-performing people. In my latest book, How to Bring Your Best Self to Work-Strategies for Career Success, I explore how […]

How To Be A Good Boss

We can all recall a favourite boss we liked or admired and I certainly have one or two people in mind as I write this blog. For those of us who are in management or leadership positions or who aspire to have a management or leadership role, it might be worthwhile to examine what makes […]

Adversity Builds Character,So Learn To Be Resilient

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it – Henry Ford. Every person in every generation in every part of this planet deals with adversity at various times in their lives . This is an inescapable fact. Another inescapable fact is that people […]