Resilience Builds Character

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it – Henry Ford. Every person in every generation in every part of this planet deals with adversity at various times in their lives. This is an inescapable fact. Another inescapable fact is that people react […]

Challenges for Accidental Leaders

As organisations and companies evolve they will be more aware of the need to support the development of in-house leadership skills so that there is an internal flow of employees who are equipped to assume leadership roles when the opportunities arise. At every level within an organisation there are leaders who need support and skills […]

Adapting to Change Challenges All Leaders

Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing themselves- Leo Tolstoy. We all know that the one constant in life is change, but dealing with change can make us uncomfortable and can even generate stress. This is because we cannot control everything that impacts our lives so we must learn to cope […]

The Changing Face of Leadership

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change – Albert Einstein. The global scale of the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on lifestyles and economies is still difficult to fully comprehend and quantify. Health security has now become a worldwide priority. As governments struggle to prevent the spread of the virus there is renewed […]

The Traits of Competent Leaders

My lifelong fascination with leadership led me to write my book, Every Leader’s Reality Guide, and leadership also features in many of my published blogs. Over the years I have observed many competent and capable leaders in many walks of life and I wondered what personal characteristics they might have in common. There are different […]

Face the Future but live in the Present.

Across the entire world  we have lived through a difficult and unprecedented year where we have all faced the unprecedented challenges which the Covid-19 pandemic has inflicted on our lives and livelihoods. There has been worldwide social upheaval with economic hardships which have impacted on our own lives and the lives of others. Our social […]

Communication Skill is a Life Competency Worth Developing.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place-George Bernard Shaw. Communication is a competency; good communication is an art; honest communication is about trust and integrity. Because we are social beings, constantly interacting with each other, our ability to communicate is taken for granted. Like any skill the quality […]


I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts – Abraham Lincoln. When written in Chinese the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity […]


A few short years ago I attended an open-air event at a building site which was to be the location of a new high-tech school. There was an impressive array of VIPs and dignitaries who were all awaiting the arrival of the ( then) Irish Taoiseach ( Prime Minister), Enda Kenny, who duly arrived and […]